Keltek Concrete Ltd. is looking for Carpenter Helpers.
Job Information
Employer : Keltek Concrete Ltd.
Job title : Carpenter Helpers
Business address : 300-1090 Homer St, Vancouver, BC V6B 2W9
Working location : Various locations depending on projects within Lower Mainland.
Terms of Employment : Permanent, Full-time
Compensation : $23.00 per hour
Hours of work : 30-40 hours per week
Vacant : 4
Benefits: 4% of gross salary
Language: English
Job Duties
– Load, unload and transport construction materials.
– Mix, pour and spread materials.
– Assist in drilling and blasting rock on construction sites.
– Gather materials for workers to handle on job sites.
– Keep job sites clean and machines serviced.
– Shape or cut materials to specified measurements, using hand tools, machines, or power saw.
– Perform other activities at construction sites, as directed.
Job Requirements
-Education: No formal education is required.
-Experience: Experience as a carpenter helper is an asset.
How to Apply:
Email: keltekconcreteltd@gmail.com